Quality is our sine qua non. This is our fixed rule in every step of production.

From the production of our products to the customer, we follow their steps at every point and keep customer satisfaction and improvements at the top.We constantly follow the developing technologies in the world and apply this to every point of our production and products.
Kolsan Lastik Batma Testi / Tire Plunger Test

Quality-based lean manufacturing strategies

We make the dedication and quality we give while producing lean and position it at the highest level in order to be competitive at all points from our production to reaching the customer.

Competitive and detailed rules

People oriented product

Customer satisfaction

Kolsan Lastik Yüksek Hız Testi / Tire High Speed Test

It comes to life in KOLSAN  running on the roads of the world

We blend our products with our experience and run them on the roads of the world. We add our energy to our product while responding to your demands. While you exist with our customers, we take care of every step for the quality of our product.

Our quality certificates

ISO 45001:2018
Occupational Health and Safety Management
System Certificate
ISO 9001:2015
Quality Management
System Cerificate
Environmental and Quality Policy